Tag: Fintech

November 15, 2022

Black Friday 2022

Black Friday is an event that grips the world of E-Commerce every year. Alongside Cyber Monday, online retailers can expect a surge in sales thanks to the deals and discounts ....

November 8, 2022

Cardstream’s Partnership with Qi Digital will Enable its Merchants to Accept Digital Currencies

London, UK - November 8, 2022 – Leading independent Payments Gateway, Cardstream, has announced a partnership with cryptocurrency specialists Qi to provide Merchants with capabilities to accept digital currencies. Cardstream ....

November 1, 2022

Friendly Fraud

“Friendly Fraud” is a term that gets banded around a lot when talking about online payments. You may have heard it in relation to chargebacks. But what does this oxymoronic ....

October 25, 2022

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are providers which develop and sell software products. ISVs provide their software alongside hardware, software, or cloud-based providers. One of the biggest decisions that an ISV ....

October 4, 2022

Integration Methods

When a Merchant is establishing how they would like to take online payments, it is important that they consider whether to use a Payment Gateway via a Direct or Hosted ....

September 20, 2022

Dynamic Currency Conversion

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a payment feature that converts a Merchant’s local currency to the equivalent cost in the cardholder’s local currency. The cardholder can review the exchange rate ....

August 23, 2022

Cardstream Supports Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance

Globally recognised Payment Gateway, Cardstream, announced that it has chosen Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance to be its ‘2022 Charity of the Year’. With a number of events being held ....

August 16, 2022

About Blockchain

Crypto seems to be the hot topic in financial circles currently, and a major part of cryptocurrency is blockchain technology. This technology is essential for cryptocurrency to operate, but what ....

August 9, 2022

Why Use a Payment Gateway

An online payment gateway is an E-commerce service that processes, verifies, and accepts payments for Merchants using a secure internet connection. Any business that accepts online and card payments require ....

August 2, 2022

The History of E-Commerce

Online payments have revolutionised how we shop, and the history of E-commerce is often closely linked to the history of the internet. In 2022, E-commerce is expected to pass $5 ....