Category: Consumer

February 26, 2019

Are Mobile Payments The Future?

In 2017 mobile payments in the UK topped £975m – accounting for a staggering 328% increase year on year [1]. With such remarkable growth, it seems the right time to ....

November 23, 2018

Brace yourself: Black Friday has arrived.

10 fatalities. 111 injuries. This isn’t a count for a natural disaster. These are the numbers of deaths and serious injuries linked to Black Friday in the US to date. ....

December 29, 2016

FinTech and eCommerce 2016

End of year festivities always causes nostalgia and anticipation for the future. In this spirit, we should reflect on FinTech and eCommerce 2016, and consider 2017. There have been definite ....

December 20, 2016

Recurring Payments

What are Recurring Payments? Technology and buying behaviours both change. Cloud-based rentals via recurring payments are popular where we used to see physical products. Think Blockbusters versus Netflix, or Spotify ....

September 16, 2016

Pay Button

Sometimes people need a friendly reminder that their invoice is overdue, but sometimes that message can fall to the bottom of the pile. Sometimes arranging a call for a payment ....

July 20, 2016

Back-up Merchant Accounts

  Being prepared is something that was always drummed into me as a child. From the enchanting Lion King song from the villainous Scar, being a Cub Scout and their ....

November 6, 2015

Black Friday and Cyber Monday – Savings, Stores and Statistics

Remember that time the UK had a bountiful harvest and then created a holiday celebrating it? No? But America did in 1621 and they called it Thanksgiving. Britain, being the ....

July 21, 2015

Apple Pay

Apple have released their new payment option, Apply Pay Contactless. This new payment option has essentially started a new era of payment methodologies from a pioneering electronics company. Apple has ....

June 30, 2015

E-mail Receipts

Our GoalsAt Cardstream we are always looking for ways to upgrade our already pretty top-notch systems and increase our services and impressive list of benefits, yet keep the price for ....

May 21, 2015

From Cash to Card

Times are changing. The popular chant ‘Cash is King’ may now be being drowned out by the beep or squeak of a Card Machine, wallets are getting thinner. But not ....